Finally, she sees David as the loving man she married. What melodrama! David signs his divorce papers and Diana rips them up. Right around that time, a rain storm turns the skies dark within lickety split fashion, and coincides with David confessing his major sins to his estranged wife, Diana, and that he has indeed forgiven her for something that he wanted her to do (have sex with Redford’s character in exchange for a million bucks). He arrives at an auction and outbids Gage on a silly photo of hippos that he provides to Diana who’s outfitted in a very low cut evening gown at a daytime event. The final act involves David’s power play to win back his wife.
Nevermind the fact that few Americans in 1993 likewise agreed that their wives were indeed their property that could be bought and sold, the movie suffers from a complete lack of plausibility. And that’s because women are considered property in the conception of the movie makers. By this point in this ridiculous plot, the viewer is in agreement with Gage - money can indeed buy anything. By the second act, David concentrates on winning back his estranged life who went from hating John Gage to being his love interest in lickety split fashion. In fits of rage, he drives Diana back into the covetous arms of Redford’s Gage character. At the last moment, Harrelson’s David relents and tries to stop the chopper as it goes airborne from a rooftop of a Vegas casino.Īfter her return, Diana and David’s life seems to go on until the nagging reality of what had happen begins to eat at Harrelson’s character. Upon reflection about the proposal, later the couple reneges and off Diana goes with Jon Gage to his yacht off the California coast (via helicopter - not sure if a helo could reach the coast from Vegas). The couple immediately disagrees and says no, that she definitely is not for sale. Gage contends that yes, he can indeed buy Harrelson’s wife for one night. The cheesy dialogue crafts the proposal in the context of the ethical dilemma posing the question if everything is for sale. Redford’s Gage character then makes the indecent proposal to the young couple, offering $1 million for one night with Demi Moore’s Diana character. At which point, in this prevalent gendered conception even archaic by 1993 standards, wives become a man’s moveable property upon matrimony. Women are just playthings for males, even after men marry them. Thornton’s inappropriate comment is indicative of the way the film maker conceives of heteronormativity and the prevalent gender roles of the twentieth century as if the women’s liberation movement had never occurred. They watch and Billy Bob Thornton makes a cameo that represents the best acting in this sappy melodrama, especially when he proclaims that Redford’s John Gage character is so rich that “he probably gets more pussy than you can shake a stick at!” In ways, Thornton is perhaps channeling his upcoming role in Primary Colors (1996) as a fowl mouthed campaign advisor. Around that time, Redford’s billionaire character enters the scene, playing high stakes poker as the couple is about to leave Vegas. If that’s fanciful, the director’s plot then shows the couple losing it all on day 2 at the casino. On the first day their plan is working, having won about half of what they owe, around $25,000. In an attempt to get out of default, they go on a trip to Vegas in hopes of striking it rich at the roulette game. Maintaining their property despite the early 1990s recession is built into the plot and the couple faces a dreaded foreclosure.
Spoilers ahead, Moore and Harrelson play a couple that is struggling financially despite her professional job as a realtor and his as an architect. Quite simply, Lyne’s vision of Engelhard’s novel suffers from an archaic notion that men own their wives, and stepping outside the bounds of holy matrimony is the fault of the wife (even if her husband consents to it). The entire plot is doomed by an antiquated conception of gender roles and a wife’s place in her marriage and society. The film has overtones of class in late twentieth century America and brings up issues of marital trust. Starring Demi Moore, Woody Harrelson, and a surprisingly bad performance by Robert Redford, the movie centers around the way a billionaire tycoon weasels his way into the lives of a struggling married couple. Adrian Lyne’s adaptation of the novel with the same name by Jack Engelhard has to go down as one of the sappiest melodramas to have ever graced the cinamaplex screen.